His name is Chan Kong Sang. but he is known as Jackie Chan.
He is 62 years old.
He was born on 7th April 1954 in Hong Kong.
He is from china. He is Chinese.
He is an actor.
His star sign is Aries.
His chinese zodiac sign is a horse.
He made 70 films.
He's an expert in martial arts. He is popular in Hollywood and his home town, Hong Kong.
Jackie Chan is a comic actor, suntman and martial arts expert.
At age seven, he learned to dance, sing, do acrobatics and kung fu.
At age 21, Jackie wanted to be an actor and do films.
Funny action films: "In my films Rush Hour, Shanghai Noon, The Tuxedo, I play a policeman, secret agents, CIA or FBI" he says.
A brillant stuntman. Jackie stunts are dangerous! "I've broken many bones" he says.
Invencible: Jackie is not afraid of scenes. It's the dialogue what frightens him. "I have Chinese accent"he says.
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